fanfic yang satu blom beres dah bikin lagi yang baru
ini Fanfic buatan aq sama temen aq ^namye^
yah maap klu rada rada geje gimana... gitu...
yah namanya juga FF kan ga rame klu ga geje ^disantet^
Douzo kitte kudasai minna~~
Tittle : ^sementara blom ada nyahaha.. ^o^V^
autor : Yuri
Suatu sore yang cerah ditengah keramaian shibuyaku yang tak pernah padam, terdengar untaian lagu againnya-yui mengiringi setiap sudut salah satu pusat perbelanjaan terkenal di shibuya..
"yabu-niichan, kita beli ini juga yah?"
samar-samar terdengar suara seorang gadis yang sedang berbicara pada seorang pemuda bernama yabu sambil membawa kripik kentang ditangan kanannya dan skateboard ditangan kirinya.. "dasar gembul!! lihat kau sudah membeli makanan sangat banyak.." kata yabu. "oniichaan.."kata gadis sambil memanyunkan bibirnya.
"iya iya.. dasar kau! lihat pipimu itu sudah sangat gembul" kata yabu sambil mencubit pipi adiknya.
"yuri,, coba ambilkan beberapa mie pesanan ino disana. cepat yah! aku tunggu dikasir." kata yabuu pada adiknya yg bernama yuri itu.
"hai..hai.. oniichan"
Yuri segera pergi untuk mengambil beberapa mie pesanan ino kakaknya, sambil menggunakan skateboardnya. Saat ia sibuk memilih mie ia melihat sesuatu yang mencurigakan.Yuri kemudian mendekati seorang pemuda yang ia anggap mencurigakan tersebut.
Yuri : Hey!! omae!!
lelaki tersebut melihat kearah yuri dan terlihat sangat gugup
Yuri : Apa yang kau lakukan tadi?? Dompet siapa itu? Kau pencuri yah??
Lelaki tersebut langsung melarikan diri, dengan segera yuri menyusulnya. tidak tanggung tanggung Ia langsung memukul lelaki itu, lelaki tersebut jatuh dan tersungkur..
Yuri : Ha..ha.. Ayo maju !!
"dame!!" kata lelaki tersebut.
Ia mencoba membalas pukulan yuri namun sayang Ia malah terkena Tinju Yuri terlebih dahulu..
Yuri kemudian menyeret lelaki tersebut pada seorang petugas keamanan..
Disisi Lain Yabu sedang asyik menunggu Yuri yang dari tadi tak kunjung datang..
"dimana anak itu?? Lama sekali.. sebentar lagi giliranku" kata yabu dalam hati.
"ah,, tidak ada!! bagaimana ini??"
Perhatian yabu kini tertuju pada seorang gadis yang kira kira seumuran dengan adiknya itu.
Yabu : Doshita no? ^tanya yabu penasaran^
"dompetku tidak ada.." kata gadis itu terlihat gugup.
Yabu : Kau yakin?? coba cari sekali lagi dalam tas mu itu..
Gadis itu membuka tasnya lagi, kemudian menggelengkan kepalanya..
"Bagaimana ini??"
Saat itu Yuri datang dengan Petugas keamanan
Yabu : Yuri!! kemana saja kau? lama sekali..
Yuri : Aku menangkap seorang pencuri.. Lihat dia..
Yabu : Pencuri?? Kau tidak apa-apa kan?
yuri : Daijobu,, aku kan hebat ha..ha.. ^yuri menyombongkan dirinya^
Petugas Keamanan : Terima kasih telah membantu kami ^kata petugas tersebut sambil membungkukan badannya^
Yuri : Osh ^sambil membentuk tanda peace dan tersenyum bangga^
"aaaa... itu dompet ku!!" kata seorang gadis yang kehilangan dompet tadi sambil menunjuk dompet yang dibawa petugas tsb.
Petugas : Ini milikmu nona? ^sambil menyodorkan dompet berwarna biru itu^
gadis itu mengganguk dan segera mengambil dompetnya. "Arigato" katanya.
Mereka segera membayar barang yang mereka beli barusan. Yabu, yuri dan gadis tersebut keluar bersama-sama.
"terima kasih ya, kalau tidak ada kau, aq bisa tidak jadi membeli ini" kata gadis tersebut pada yuri.
Yuri : Ha..ha... tidak apa-apa ko.. Lagian aku juga senang. Ano.. Onamae wa?
"Namye desu" kata gadis itu.
Yuri : Aq Yuri dan ini kakakku Yabu..
Namye : aaa... yoroshiku,,
yabu : rumah mu dimana?
Namye : rumah ku disebelah sana..
Yuri : Yah, kita beda arah ya? Maw kami antar?
Namye : Tdak usah
Yuri :Kalau begitu kami pulang duluan yah..
yabu : Hati-hati dijalan
Yuri & Yabu : Jyaa~~
Namye : Jyaa..
mereka kemudian berpisah ditikungan jalan.. Yuri dan yabu bergegas menuju rumah mereka karena hari sudah semakin larut..
Yabu : Yuri..
Yuri : Mmmm ??
yabu : Kenapa tadi kau bisa taw itu pencuri?
yuri : Tidak tau,, tapi wajahnya seperti pencuri jadi aku ikuti saja, waktu aq panggil dia malah kabur, ya sudah aq kejar saja.. ^kata yuri heboh^
Yabu : Kau ini... Bisa tidak sehari tidak berkelahi? aku kan jadi khawatir.. Besokkan kau sudah masuk SMA jadi jangan berkelahi lagi !! mengerti!!
Yuri : hai..hai.. wakatteru oniichan..
Keesokan Harinya dirumah Yabu..
"Yuri!!!!! mau tidur sampai kapan kau!!" kata yabu berteriak dari lantai bawah..
Yuri : Iya..iya,,
Yuri menuju kamar mandi dan bersiap siap untuk pergi kesekolah barunya Heisei Gakuen.
Sambil berleha-leha Ia keluar dari kamarnya, Ia melihat keadaan dilantai bawah, terlihat inoo sedang membawa Nasi goreng dan langsung dicicipi oleh Yabu. Yuri langsung berlari kebawah saat melihat nasi goreng itu.
Yuri : aaaa.. aku maw!!
Inoo : Begitu lihat makanan seperti biasa langsung bersemangat ha..ha..
Yuri : Biar saja wleeee "yuri menjulurkan lidahnya"
Inoo menggoda adiknya. Kemudian inoo, yuri dan Yabu segera menyantap nasi goreng yang inoo buat.
Yabu : Yuri, Mau aku antar ksekolah mu yang baru??
Yuri : tidak usah yabu-nii, masa diantar aku kan sudah besar!!
Inoo : Ia dia sudah besar separti beruang
Yuri : Urusai!!
Yabu ; Hati-hati disekolah barumu nanti,, Ingat jangan berkelahi!!
Yuri : iya..iya.. aq taw! Aku akan bersikap semanis mungkin ^memasang wajah nak ilang^
Yabu dan Inoo tertawa melihat kelakuan adik perempuannya
Yuri : Onichan aq berangkat.. Ittekimasu...
Yabu : itterasai..
Inoo : kiotsukete na~
Heisei Gakuen
yuri : aaa... besar juga sekolah ini. Kelasku dimana ya? aku tanya saja deh..
Yuri melihat sekelilingnya penuh anak-anak yang tidak ia kenal sebelumnya, kemudian ia memberanikan diri bertanya jalan menuju kelasnya pada seseorang..
Yuri : anoo.. boleh aku bertanya sesuatu tidak
Orang itu kemudian berbalik kearah yuri
yuri : Eh?? Namye chan..
Namye : Yuri...
Ternyata orang itu adalah namye, gadis yang ia kenal di suupa kemarin.
Namye : Kau sekolah disini juga?
Yuri : Iya.. Yatta!! akhirnya aq bertemu dengan orang yg aq kenal. Kau baru masuk juga ya?
Namye : iya.. aku dikelas 1-D, kamu?
yuri : samaa~~~ tapi ngomong-ngomong kelasnya dimana? perasaan tadi aku hanya berputar-putar disini saja..
Namye : Aku juga tidak tau,, kalau begitu kita cari bersama-sama..
Yuri : Ikku yo..
yuri dan Namye berjalan menyusuri ruangan demi ruangan..
Yuri : Kenapa sekolah ini membingungkan sih? menyebalkan!!
namye : sabar..
yuri dan namye sekarang tertuju pada suatu ruangan. yuri kemudian membuka pintu ruangan tersebut..
Yuri : mungkin ini kelasnya..
namye : Apa iya?? Kurasa bukan..
mereka langsung masuk keruangan tersebut dan mereka langsung tercengang..
Namye : aaa sumimasen
mereka berdua kaget karena mereka malah masuk kesebuah ruangan dimana terdapat para pria yang sedang bertelanjang dada dalamnya..
namye : Maaf kami salah masuk ruangan.. Gomen..
Namye mengajak Yuri segera keluar dari ruangan tersebut tapi yuri malah masuk labih jauh lagi.. Seketika para lelaki tersebut pun langsung menutupi badannya..
"kenapa kau tidak cepat keluar? kami sedang ganti baju!!" kata seorang lelaki tersebut.
namun tanpa segan Yuri langsung bertanya
Yuri : begini....
Tapi namye langsung memotong perkataan yuri
Namye : sebaiknya kita pergi sekarang..
yuri tidak memperdulikan ajakan namye dan malah terus bertanya.
yuri : Anoo.. aq maw tanya, kelas 1-D dimana ya? Kami dari tadi mencari-cari tapi tidak ketemu!!
"Kau bisa jalan terus lurus, nanti ada 3 jalan, kau ambil sebelah kanan.. Disini ruangan khusus club" Kata lelaki yang satunya.
yuri : Souka? pantas saja.. aaa.. sankyuu na~~
Namye : a..arigatou..
"cepat pergi dan tutup pintunya kembali!" perintah lelaki tersebut..
Yuri dan Namye langsung bergegas menuju kelas mereka, mereka tentunya tidak ingin terlambat masuk kelas dihari pertama mereka sekolah
-------To Be Continued to chapter 2-------------------
Minna Douzo^^
Welcome to Atashi no sekai~~
Silahkan Nikmati ke Geje-an saya tentunya
Let's change our world
Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009
Yuri to Namye Fanfic
OcehaN Yuri no monogatari di 12.53 0 komentar
Label: fanfic
Kamis, 02 Juli 2009
Japan University
kali ini akan membahas tentang beberapa sekolah dan universitas di jepang
mulai dari yang pertama
University of Tokyo aka Tokyo daigaku
siapa sih yang ga kenal todai?? pernah nonton dragon zakura ? yupz... universitas ini emang paling beken disana.. ditambah dengan fakta bahwa universitas ini merupakan universitas yang bukan sembarang universitas,, dimana lulusannya akan mempunyai masa depan yang cerah dan diakui dimana-mana..
sekilas tentang todai...
The University Today
Introduction The University of Tokyo was established in 1877 as the first national university in Japan. As a leading research university, the University of Tokyo offers courses in essentially all academic disciplines at both undergraduate and graduate levels and conducts research across the full spectrum of academic activity. The university aims to provide its students with a rich and varied academic environment that ensures opportunities for both intellectual development and the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills. The University of Tokyo has a faculty of over 4,000 and a total enrollment of about 29,000, evenly divided between undergraduate and graduate students. As of 2006 there were 2,269 international students, and over 2,700 foreign researchers come annually to the university for both short and extended visits. The University of Tokyo is known for the excellence of its faculty and students and ever since its foundation many of its graduates have gone on to become leaders in government, business, and the academic world Campuses The University of Tokyo is composed of three campuses: Hongo, Komaba, and Kashiwa. In addition, some University of Tokyo facilities are situated in other parts of both Tokyo and the country. The main campus of the university is located in Hongo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo and occupies about 56 hectares of the former Kaga Yashiki, the Tokyo estate of a major feudal lord. Parts of the seventeenth century landscaping of the original estate have been preserved to provide greenery and open space. The campus is graced by the Kaga Estate's celebrated Akamon, or Red Gate, which dates from 1827 and has been designated as an 'Important Cultural Property' by the Japanese Government. Most of the faculties, graduate schools, and research institutes of the university are located on the Hongo Campus. The Komaba Campus, located in the Komaba section of Meguro-ku, Tokyo, occupies an area of about 35 hectares. Facilities such as the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, and the Institute of Industrial Science stand on this campus. The Kashiwa Campus, the newest of the three, is located in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture, a suburb of Tokyo. Housed on this approximately 24-hectare campus are the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, the Institute for Solid State Physics, among other research facilities. The University of Tokyo in the twenty-first century is being built up on the strong links among these three campuses. Student life Students carry out two annual festivals: the Komaba Festival in November on the Komaba Campus, organized and run by first and second-year undergraduates, and the May Festival or 'Gogatsusai' on the Hongo Campus, organized by a committee drawn from all undergraduate students at the university. The latter is a three-day event and a chance for students, with the support of the university, to promote their academic and extracurricular activities to society. These festivals are both open to the public, and many visitors come to get a glimpse of activities at the university. In addition, The University of Tokyo has recently introduced a new 'open campus' annual event, which introduces university life to high school students hoping to enter this university from all over Japan. As the preeminent academic institution in Japan, The University of Tokyo has a long history of nurturing and promoting academic excellence. One of the ways the university does this is through recognizing the achievements of outstanding students with the newly-introduced, twice-yearly President's Award. In spring each year, several students are selected from among those nominated by their professors for the award recognizing outstanding academic achievement, and in autumn, a second award is made to students for their extracurricular and cultural activities. From 2007, a single student is also chosen from all those awarded the President's Award that year for the President's Grand Award, recognizing particularly outstanding achievement in any field. Since 2000, The University of Tokyo has held the 'UT Forum' on a roughly annual basis in partnership with a leading university or universities overseas. The UT Forum is a chance for the university to present the latest research activities and results and for both faculty and graduate students taking part to deepen international relationships. In parallel with the researchers' forum, undergraduate and graduate students also organize and present a students' forum, where they have a chance to experience all aspects of the planning and implementation of an international conference and to develop valuable links with their peers and academics around the world. source @ |
Meiji daigaku
Kalo tadi todai sekarang Meiji daigaku~~
ow..ow... kampusnya inoue mao,yamapi, kei inoo hey! say! jump
Universitas Meiji (明治大学; Meiji Daigaku; Meidai) adalah salah satu dari dua universitas swasta paling prestisius di Jepang (satunya lagi adalah Universitas Waseda) sementara dua universitas negeri paling prestisius adalah Universitas Keio dan Universitas Rikkyo. Meiji terletak di daerah Kandasurugadai di Tokyo.
| ||
Meiji University was founded in January 1881 as the Meiji Law School by a group of young lawyers barely in their 30's: Tatsuo Kishimoto, Kozo Miyagi, and Misao Yashiro. It was an era characterized by Japan's urgent need to independent as a modern nation. The three founded the Meiji Law School from their fervent hope to "foster bright capable youths who will lead the modern civil society of Japan". | ||
Although confronted with countless obstacles and hardships along the way, Meiji University was born as a site for learning and education. Continuing its growth without ever ceasing to ring the chimes of liberty, Meiji University has expanded as one of the prominent private universities of Japan, celebrating its 120th anniversary in 2001. With Rights, Liberty, Independence and Self-government as its guiding principles, Meiji University is committed to fostering human resources who satisfy the requirements "austerity and sturdiness", "creation of new intellect" and "needs of the times". Turning out more than 400,000 graduates into the world to date, it has contributed vastly to the progress of society. The achievements of the university's numerous alumni actively engaged in key roles in various walks of life are highly reputed. | ||
Meiji University solidly ranks among the best universities in Japan, currently consisting of 9 schools, the School of Law, School of Commerce, School of Political Science and Economics, School of Arts and Letters, School of Science and Technology, School of Agriculture, School of Business Administration, School of Information and Communication, and School of Global Japanese Studies; the Graduate School, made up of 9 departments, the Department of Law, Department of Commerce, Department of Arts and Letters, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Agriculture, Department of Business Administration, Department of Information and Communication, and Department of Humanities; independent schools in various disciplines, School of Legal Studies (Department of Law, Graduate School), School of Global Business (Business School), School of Professional Accountancy (Graduate School of Professional Accountancy), and the School of Governance Studies (Department of Political Science and Economics); and the Meiji University Junior High School and Meiji University High School. | ||
From fiscal 2004, in order to respond the "needs of the times", Meiji University Women's College and the Evening Division will cease soliciting students and a seven-period-a-day time system will be launched to provide students with more flexibility for their course studies. | ||
In addition to the Surugadai Campus, Meiji University also has the Izumi Campus and Ikuta Campus. Along with excellent teaching staff, all of these campuses are linked with other institutions and facilities for education and research and feature the latest facilities, equipment and so on for extracurricular activities. Providing steady education and research opportunities, the Surugadai Campus in particular features the latest IT infrastructure and the Liberty Tower, with 23 stories above ground and three below. | ||
In April 2004, the Academy Common was completed to serve as a base for lifelong education, where the Graduate School, which develops advanced specialized businesspeople, and the Liberty Academy hold their classes |
phutu phutu meiji
segini aja dulu...
yang lainnya menyusul
OcehaN Yuri no monogatari di 11.11 0 komentar
Rabu, 01 Juli 2009
nYc Boys
NYC boys grup temporari asuhan om johnny's juga~~
* N - Yuma Nakayama
* Y - Ryosuke Yamada
* C - Yuri Chinen
* boys dari B.I shadow
- Kento Nakajima
- Fuma Kikuchi
- Hokuto Matsumura
- Yugo Kochi
*tanpa misaki hiks...*
mereka dibuat grup temporari buat the Women's Volleyball World Grand Prix 2009
mereka mulai aktif tanggal 7 juni kmaren
mereka akan mengeluarkan debut single mereka "akuma no koi"
singlenya ada 3 versi :
Limited Edition A
3 audio tracks
o Akuma na koi [Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I.Shadow]
o NYC [NYC boys]
o Dial Up [NYC boys]
o Akuma na koi music clip
o Making
o Jacket Shooting
o NYC @ Kokusai Forum 2009.06.09
Limited Edition B
3 audio tracks
o NYC [NYC boys]
o Akuma na koi [Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I.Shadow]
o Dial Up [NYC boys]
o NYC Music Clip
o Making
o Jacket Shooting
o Akuma na koi @ Kokusai Forum 2009.06.09
Regular Edition
* 5 audio tracks
o Akuma na koi [Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I.Shadow]
o NYC [NYC boys]
o Aoi kisetsu [NYC boys]
o Akuma na koi [karaoke]
o NCY [karaoke]
OcehaN Yuri no monogatari di 15.08 0 komentar
Selasa, 30 Juni 2009
my bishounen
hontouni kirei ne~~
bikin mimisan
teuki ma onew paling cantik disitu...
OcehaN Yuri no monogatari di 09.06 0 komentar
Label: dbsk, korea, shinee, super junior
Senin, 29 Juni 2009
Yui - Again lyric
YUI - Again
Magarikunetta hosoi michi hito ni tsumazuku
Ano koro ni mitai ni tte modoritai wake janai no nakushitekita sora wo sagashiteru
Wakattekuremasu you ni gisei ni natta you na kanashii kao wa yamete yo
Tsumi no saigo wa namida janai yo zutto kurushiku seotte kun da
Deguchi mienai kanjou meiru ni
Dare wo matteru no
Shiroi NOOTO ni tsuzutta you ni motto sunao ni hakidashitai yo
Nani kara nogaretainda
Genjitsu tte yatsu
Kanaeru tame ni ikiterun datte
Wasurechaisou na yoru no mannaka
Bunan ni nante yatterarenai kara
Kaeru basho mo nai no
Kono omoi wo keshite shimau ni wa
Mada jinsei nagai deshou (I'm on the way)
Konna itami mo kangei jan
Ayamaranakucha ikenai yo ne aa gomen ne
Umaku ienakute shinpai kaketa mama datta ne
Ano hi kakaeta zenbu ashita kakaeru zenbu
Junban tsuketari wa shinai kara
Wakattekuremasu you ni sotto me wo tojitanda
Mitakunai mono made miendamon
Iranai uwasa ni chotto hajimete kiku hatsugen docchi
Mukaiattara tomodachi datte
Uso wa yamete ne
Fukai HAATO ga iradatsu you ni karadan naka moeteirun da
Hontou wa kitai shiten no
Genjitsu tte yatsu
Kanaeru tame ni ikiterun datte
Sakebitaku naru yo kikoete imasu ka
Bunan ni nante yatterarenai kara
Kaeru basho mo nai no
Yasashisa ni wa itsumo kansha shiteru
Dakara tsuyoku naritai (I'm on the way)
Susumu tame ni
Teki mo mikata mo kangei jan
Douyatte tsugi no DOA akerun dakke kangaeteru
Mou hikikaesenai monogatari hajimatterun da
Me wo samase me wo samase
Kono omoi wo keshite shimau ni wa
Mada jinsei nagai deshou
Yarinokoshiteru koto yarinaoshite mitai kara
Mou ichido yukou
Kanaeru tame ni ikiterun datte
Sakebitaku naru yo kikoete imasu ka
Bunan ni nante yatterarenai kara
Kaeru basho mo nai no
Yasashisa ni wa itsumo kansha shiteru
Dakara tsuyoku naritai (I'm on the way)
Konna itami mo kangei jan
OcehaN Yuri no monogatari di 14.23 0 komentar
Label: lyrics
Minggu, 28 Juni 2009
cerita yuri
dear nikki
hari udah malem ikan bobo ^geje mode on^
akhir akhir ini tidur malem terus......
haha udah tgl 28 lagi
tadi lumyan menyenangkan
nonton transformer gitu yatta!!
tapi sampe rumah BT lagi, why??
gara2 inget tgl 11 ada gath anak-anak LJump
andwee..... aq ga bisa ikut gara-gara ada acara kampus
hoeks..hoek,,, shimata ne!!
dan masalahnya besok harus latihan nyanyi lagi
aq lupa nadanya bo~~ bo~~
bisa gila....
OcehaN Yuri no monogatari di 22.47 0 komentar
Label: cerita yuri